A Demat account, short for "Dematerialised account," is an essential financial account for Indian investors engaging in the Indian stock market.
The primary purpose of a Demat account is to hold shares and securities in electronic format, facilitating easier, more efficient, and safer transactions compared to the traditional method of dealing with physical certificates. This shift from physical to electronic has revolutionised how investments are handled, offering a seamless trading experience.
The growth of Demat accounts in India has seen significant increases over recent years, reflecting a growing interest in the stock market among the Indian population.
In FY23, approximately 25 million new Demat accounts were added, averaging over 2 million monthly accounts. This represented a growth rate of 27%, which was a slowdown from the 63% growth rate in FY22, partially due to the higher base from previous years. As of the end of March 2023, the total number of Demat accounts stood at 114.46 million, with Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL) hosting most of these accounts1.
Your Demat account number is a 16-digit code (if with CDSL) or an alpha-numeric code starting with 'IN' followed by a 14-digit number (if with NSDL). The first eight digits represent the DP ID; the remaining eight are your unique Customer ID. For instance, if your Demat account number with NSDL is IN56732892132810, "IN567328" is the DP ID, and "92132810" is your Customer ID.
Below, we have mentioned the steps to get the Demat Account number from major brokers in India. Click on your broker from the list to know the steps and a sample screenshot.
Go to your profile and find your digit Demat (BO) below
Go to https://my.upstox.com/profile#dp-details and find your 16digit demat details at the end of the page
Go to https://www.angelbroking.com/, login to your profile and find your 16-digit DEMAT below
Go to https://secure.icicidirect.com/customer/pesonaldetails and find your DEMAT A/C number in my account details section
Go to https://ntrade.hdfcsec.com/authenticate.do# and find your DEMAT in the DP details section
Go to https://groww.in/user/profile/basic-details and find your 16-digit DEMAT below
Go to https://invest.5paisa.com/customer-dashboard/client-profile and click on DP Details on the left, and then find your DEMAT A/C number below
Go to https://kstrade.kotaksecurities.com/services/user/accounts/actcldet.exe?action=default and find your DEMAT A/C number at the end of the page in your Profile section
Go to https://invest.motilaloswal.com/Home/HomePage and go to the profile section, and find your DEMAT A/C number in the trading account details section
Go to https://www.edelweiss.in/clientarea and open your profile section, and find your DEMAT Account detail below (NOTE: DP ID Should be written before DP account number)
To find your Demat account number using your PAN card, follow these general steps:
Please ensure that your email address is registered with your DP, which is essential for receiving your Demat account details via email. Contact your DP directly if you need help finding this information or accessing your email. They should be able to provide you with your Demat account number using your PAN card details.
1. Who can open a Demat Account?
The following entities are qualified to establish a Demat Account:
2. Can I withdraw money from my Demat Account?
Yes. You can withdraw money from your Demat account by logging into your account, selecting the appropriate option, and entering the desired amount and your trading password. Once the transfer begins, your bank account will be credited or debited accordingly.
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