Exclusive access to Commercial Real Estate!

  • Predictable Returns
  • Earn upto 11% Pre-Tax Yield
Commercial Property
₹ 2 Cr+
Investments Enabled
₹ 1,00,000
Minimum Investment
What is Commercial Property
  • Grip has partnered with leading commercial property fractionalization platforms (“CRE Platforms”) to provide investors these investment opportunities at a minimum investment amount of Rs.1,00,000

  • Tenants are established MNCs with long lock-in/lease tenures, contracted rent escalations, and strong credit

Commercial Property
Fixed Deposit
Upto 11%
End Of Life
Predictable Returns
Security Cover

Partner Curation and Due Diligence

How we evaluate CRE platforms and investment opportunities


Track Record

Analysis of CRE Platform's track record and their sourcing, diligence, investing, and asset management processes.


Due Diligence Review

Review the due diligence undertaken by the CRE Platform, which primarily includes title and legal diligence, financial diligence, and structure diligence.


Location and Commercials

Evaluate asset location, entry and average yields, target hold period and IRR, tenant quality, and supply-demand dynamics.

How to Invest?

It’s really simple with Grip

Find Your Deal
Investment Process
Visualize Returns

Explore curated investment opportunities process

your deal

Unique investment opportunities qualified through rigorous due diligence


Complete KYC and investment process


Seamless digital KYC, e-sign and payment experience


Receive returns as per pre-determined schedule

Returns per

For fixed income products, receive monthly/ quarterly returns in your bank account

Why Invest In Commercial Property?
  • Investors can explore and co-own Grade A commercial real estate properties such as warehouses, and offices on prime locations
  • Investors co-invest and own a part of the property in proportion to their investment amount
  • These real estate properties are pre-leased to MNCs and marquee tenants enabling investors to generate regular rental income. These tenants are usually subjected to a long lock-in period and lease tenures
  • Investments in this long-term option start with as little as Rs 1,00,000 and provide attractive returns of up to 11% yield


Other Assets for you

For your knowledge

Risks Involved

  • Through our partnership with the CRE Platforms, Grip’s users will be able to access to the same opportunities which are available to users of such CRE Platforms – but at lower ticket sizes! Grip does not carry out any diligence on the real estate opportunities or plays any role in the identification of the underlying investment opportunity or management of the special purpose vehicles managed by the CRE Platforms ("SPVs").
  • Such CRE Platforms are solely responsible for facilitating the management of the real estate properties, and arranges for the accounting, secretarial, reporting, leasing, maintenance, and other operational aspects of the SPVs, pursuant to an asset management agreement executed between the CRE Platforms and the relevant SPV.
  • All information provided on this page regarding the asset, its surrounding location/ area and the tenant has been reproduced from the investment memo prepared by the CRE Platforms. We encourage you to read the investment memo in detail.
  • Grip or the CRE Platform do not guarantee that an investor will make money, avoid losing capital, or indicate that the investment is risk-free.
  • An exit by the AIF scheme from the investment made by it in the underlying SPV will be decided by the investment manager of the AIF (in its sole discretion), and the unit holders will have be bound by such decisions.

To help you

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Grip enabling commercial property investments at lower ticket sizes?

Grip enables equity investments in special purpose vehicles (SPVs) which hold commercial properties across key Indian metropolitan areas and property types (office, retail and warehousing properties). Investments in such SPVs are enabled through a registered Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs), which has partnered with Grip. The AIF ensures that funds to be invested in each SPV are raised separately. Accordingly, you can always be assured that the funds you invest will only be used towards making investments in the SPV holding the commercial property you chose.

Please note that while Grip may or may not be investing (or leading investments as the lead investor) in the AIF’s schemes, Grip does not advise, encourage, or discourage its users to invest or not invest in any particular AIF scheme.
Grip has partnered with leading commercial property fractionalisation platforms (“CRE Platforms”) to provide you these investment opportunities. For each opportunity, the relevant CRE Platform identifies the commercial properties, completes the fitouts and finds marquee tenants for leasing the properties owned by the SPVs. Additionally, the CRE Platform also undertakes the incorporation and day-to-day management of the SPVs which hold and lease the properties. An asset management agreement is executed between the SPV and the CRE Platform for facilitating the management of the commercial properties, whereby the CRE Platform handles the accounting, secretarial, reporting, leasing, maintenance and other operational aspects.

Grip does not play any role in identification or management of the SPV or the underlying commercial properties held by such SPVs.
Grip does not carry out any due diligence on the commercial property opportunities listed on its platform. However, the CRE Platform which Grip has partnered with follows a rigorous deal discovery mechanism, which involves carrying out due diligence on the underlying commercial properties, financial modelling, extensive data mining and market analysis to shortlist the commercial property opportunities for you.

For each commercial property, the following documents are typically prepared: (a) financia, tax, technical, and legal due diligence reports; (b) title due diligence report; and (c) property valuation reports. Please note that this is an indicative list.
Commercial property opportunities on Grip’s platform are executed through a registered Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) partner of Grip.

In a typical opportunity on an existing CRE Platform, which is structured in the form of a SPV holding the underlying property, an exit from the sale of the underlying property is subject to a lucrative opportunity for selling/disposing the asset becoming available. Once the exit opportunity becomes available, the CRE Platform as the asset manager presents the opportunity to all of the SPV’s investors to decide if the asset is to be liquidated or held. If at least 50% or 75% (as the case may be for each CRE Platform) of the shareholders of the SPV vote to sell, the liquidation process is initiated. Given that the commercial property investment opportunities on Grip’s platform are facilitated through an AIF, the Investment Manager of the AIF will solely decide on behalf of all AIF scheme investors.

Once the asset is sold, the gains (post any taxes and fees) made will be distributed amongst shareholders (including the AIF). The AIF will remit the funds to the respective registered bank accounts of unit holders of its scheme in the relevant proportion of investment.
Typically, leases signed for commercial properties have annual rent escalation provisions. The escalation rate is typically about 15% and comes into effect after every 3 years. However, the escalation rate varies depending on commercial negotiations with the tenant under each lease arrangement.
Please see our response to Question 4 above, the decision to sell depends on an affirmative vote from a special majority of shareholders. If shareholders vote to hold, the investment will continue as is, until the next poll where the process will be repeated.
At the time of making an investment, you will get units of the relevant scheme of the AIF which corresponds to the relevant SPV in which the scheme funds have been invested. The AIF may be able to facilitate exit for a few unit holders of each of their schemes, through secondary transfer of the units held by a selling investor to an incoming investor. Please reach out to us at invest@gripinvest.in if you would like to exit your investment.
A contingency reserve is typically created by the CRE Platform in the books of each of the SPV using the funds raised from the investors. Any unforeseen expenses that arise in the property are met using the contingency reserve. If the contingency reserve is exhausted, the asset manager can use the lease rentals to fund these expenses.
The contribution amount is sent to the AIF funds bank account, and the money received in this account can only be used to invest in companies or return funds to investors, whereas the fee money is transferred to the investment manager's working account because the above condition doesn't apply on the fee amount.